WHY DID I CHOOSE TO COMPETE IN A PAGEANT? Today I will be discussing why I decided to apply to a pageant and compete. There were TWO MAIN REASONS for me when I entered the MISS WISCONSIN USA 2023 Pageant. So Let's Hop Right In: To Overcome My Anxiety and To Gain Experience and Personal Growth Overcoming anxiety is not easy. At all. I was diagnosed with severe anxiety in 2020. Before the diagnosis, I felt I had anxiety but not that bad. I was obviously wrong. When I was younger, I hated public speaking, especially by myself. I never wanted to do a speech or presentation by myself without someone with me. I never understood why that was, I just assumed that it was fear and I'd get over it over time. That did not happen. It got worse and worse, all the way up to my diagnosis. I had taken a class my freshmen year that helped a little, but not a lot. A year goes by and my anxiety has not gotten any better or worse...